Make a Donation

North West Disability Services Australia Limited (NWDS) is a non–profit community organisation established in 1982. NWDS is a registered Charity and Public Benevolent Institution and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
NWDS has supported individuals with a disability for over 35 years, identifying and seeking out opportunities to develop the skills needed to turn their Dreams into Reality.
NWDS has a strong collaborative focus, working with other community organisations, businesses and individuals on a wide range of small and large projects that enhance and enrich the lives of disadvantaged individuals and the community as a whole.
NWDS and the individuals accessing these projects benefit greatly from the sense of accomplishment and the pride of contributing back to the community.
NWDS also receives contributions from individuals, businesses, organisations and the wider community, supporting NWDS in a multitude of small and large ways including donations of goods and services, assistance with projects, as well as monetary donations.
NWDS is also keen to partner with the commercial sector and provide the opportunity for businesses and their staff to contribute in a meaningful way to their local community. All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and receipts will be issued. (NB - Credit card facilities are not available)
You can make a donation in the following manner;
Direct cash donation to NWDS
• Cash donation to NWDS staff or administration
• Cheque made out to North West Disability Services and posted to PO Box 947, Baulkham Hill, NSW, 1755
Direct Deposit in to the bank a/c
• Bank Details: Account name: NWDS, Account no: 043643399, St George BSB: 112 879
• EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)
• Cash deposit to NWDS Bank Account "as above"
Weekly Debit from wages
Directed by employer to North West Disability Services
If you would like to be further involved with NWDS in any way for an individual project or an ongoing basis, we would happily welcome you as an Individual Volunteer or as a Corporate Volunteer Group, and would be keen to talk to you about the many ways that Volunteers work with us.